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Patient Care Technician

Metro Medical Training Center

Patient Care/EKG/ Phlebotomy Technician

  • Course length: 8 weeks in classroom

  • Tuesday Thru Thursday Daytime and Evening courses

This comprehensive program advances students’ capabilities by covering a range of topics and skill sets, including EKG.

Topics include:

  • observation, documentation and reporting;
  • surgical asepsis;
  • intravenous therapy;
  • enteral nutrition;
  • pre- and post-operative care;
  • respiratory procedures;
  • specimen collection;
  • endotracheal tube and tracheostomy care;
  • cardiac care and emergency procedures.

Prerequisite: CNA, 1st Year Nursing Student or EMT.

Graduates earn Certificates and are eligible to take National Certification Test.

Payment arrangements are available.
